About Us

The National Library of Israel is the prime institution of national memory – not only of the Israeli nation, but of the Jewish people around the world. Its mission is to serve as a home for the collections, archives, manuscripts, documents, maps, music and other items of unique national, historic or cultural significance; and to pass these treasures on to the next generations.

Bringing History to Life

The Education department’s mission is twofold: Bringing the past to life, and also bringing the past into our lives.

We present primary sources in a way that brings the past to life, that exposes the learners to the personal stories behind grand historical events and that gives them a glimpse into dramatic moments from the past. We explore the ways in which the past can teach us more about ourselves, about the community we live in and inform us on how to deal with dilemmas and questions we grapple with in the present. 

Our Team

Shuvi Hoffman

Shuvi Hoffman, Global Jewish Education Manager

[email protected] 

Shuvi is a “Revivim” graduate, an honors program in Hebrew University, where she received her BA in Jewish studies and her MA in Biblical studies. She taught Tanach, Jewish philosophy and Hebrew, wrote Jewish studies curriculum and worked as a teachers’ mentor in various frameworks in Israel and abroad. She spent two years in New York teaching Hebrew and Tanach in SAR High School as a WZO emissary, as well as teaching at Drisha summer programs.

Rachel Levy

Rachel Levy

[email protected] 

Rachel is a Coordinator of Educational Content for French Educators. She worked as a primary school teacher for several years in Israel and France. After a master's degree in education at the Sorbonne, she continued to teach Hebrew and Judaic studies in Nice and Guadeloupe, where she also managed a Jewish school Toratenou for two years. In addition, Rachel is a graduate of the Maalé film school in Jerusalem. She is also a screenwriter and director.

Liba Levin

Liba Levin, Marketing and Communication Manager

[email protected]

Liba graduated from Touro College (Moscow) with a degree in Judaic Studies. For 5 years she worked in a non-profit organization for the Jewish youth of Russia and the CIS, where she was engaged in the promotion of educational projects, content creation and video production. In addition, Liba organized educational seminars and participated in large-scale trips for Jewish youth to Europe, the USA and Israel.

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