Simona Yanovsky
Estonian Jewish Education Center
1st grade

For me Israel is the Family time on the seaside. So on my poster I have drawn the happiest moments that happens in my life. Some my relatives live in Israel, and some of them - in Europe. The Land of Israel is the best place we meet. Israel is my beloved so I am celebrating its 76th Anniversary as my own.
What role does Israel play in the Jewish world? Israel is a Homeland where each and every Jew and each Jewish family can come back. And everyone together with his or her life views can find the convenient place for him or herself and their families in Israel. And if somebody are not living in Israel yet, they can come with the family to Israel for vacations, as I do with my family. One of my strongest and happiest moments in life are when my family is together and united in Israel on vacation near the seaside. When I am not in Israel, and some my relatives are in other countries, the picture like on the posters warms me a lot.
Thank you for this competition which really inspires both teachers and students to learn more about Israel and to find more Israel inside us. Thank you for the Poster Gallery -
Our art teacher Aleksandra Norkevich have printed several works from it to children to inspire and to express their thoughts.