Fruma Shmorgun
Estonian Jewish Education Center
1st grade

For me Israel is about Love. How Hashem loves His People and His Land, how we, Jewish People can unconditionally love each other as a family, how we can love all our past, present and future, and how as a real family we all celebrate together valuable dates, coming by body or/and by soul to the 76th Anniversary of our State. (hearts, warm colors, 11 balloons reminds the 11 stars and how G-d compared the descendants of Avraham Avinu with the stars).
How does Israel shape my Jewish story? For me Israel and our traditions are all about love and learning to love. From the stories about Israel which we have at home and in the Synagogue I love the stories about tsadikim and their life ways, I love the mitsvot I can perform now the same like thousand years ago. I love my family and friends with whom i meet in Israel, and I love the Jewish wedding - Chuppah ceremony. The first Chuppah I have been was in Israel, and it is also about love between parents and between Hashem and the Jewish Nations. I love it all.
For me Israel is about Love in different ways, and it is like the wedding ring from Hashem to His Jewish Nation. For me Israel is about the real Family, who continuing to celebrate life and all the valuable dates and moment each day! Mazal tov, Israel!
Thank you for this competition which really inspires both teachers and students to learn more about Israel and to find more Israel inside us. Thank you for the Poster Gallery -
Our art teacher Aleksandra Norkevich have printed several works from it to children to inspire and to express their thoughts"