Ester Santoro
Jugend Zentrum "Malachinions" Synagoge Oldenburg
4th grade

Shalom! This is my eye. In my eye are the images of my last visit in Israel in December 2018. I have many beautiful rememberings but I choose three: the first one is the Chomah from outside with the Israel Flags, the second one it´s me: i was so happy because for me everywhere in Jerusalem was like a playground, the third one is the Dead see from above. I have the fotos with me and there are a tresure. Israel is always on my eyes and I look forward to comeback very soon!I Israel like a Band for the jewish world
Israel was, is and will be always in my life (my eye preserve the past in Israel, bring records to me about Israel today and let me see my future in Israel)
For me Israel represents Family, Beauty, Joy, Freedom, Hope and very, very much Love Israel: my past, my present, my future
Israel: our past, our present, our future as Jewish People The Poster of Amsellen Emmanuelle Ecole Toratenu France for the message of straight of and for Israel
Poster Jom Ha Atzmaut 1955 because Israel is about family and generation trought the time