Elisa Condrache
Spiru Haret National College
11th grade

The poster very well suggests the patriotism of the citizens of Israel. The men who represent the masculine and strong side of humanity are behind their flag, which represents the love for their country and that they will do anything for it even to fight. The state of Modern Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948. Since then, the Jews belong to this country. They can say that this is their home. The Bible characterizes Israel as a place flowing with milk and honey, something you can be proud of for your country. The message conveyed through this poster shows the Independence of Israel of our forefathers. They made Israel a modern and independent state in 1948. the house of the Jews. Buchenwald survivors from the illegal immigrant ship Meteora, July 1945.
This image inspired me with its approach to the past in 1948, it describes very well the description of the landscape and the events that happened since then.