Efrayim Rutledge
Associated Hebrew Schools
6th grade

I chose to incorporate a soldier, a man wearing a kippah and a magen david. The soldier represents our protection from a physical sense. The man with the kippah represents our protection from a Torah/spiritual sense. The magen david represents a key symbol in Judaism that all Jews relate to. The words Us Jews Will Always Unit Together, shows the coming together of all Jews. My poster is a response to the values Israel represents today is both a physical and spiritual side to who we are as a Nation. The physical side is that we need to protect our land, as it was given to us by G-d, no different than at the beginning of our history. The spiritual side is that we need to hold on to the Torah and keep the mitzvot that G-d commanded of us so that we keep a relationship with Him. Through both the spiritual and physical we will continue to hold the will of G-d at the forefront of our lives. The message I am coneying is the importance of uniting in ensuring the protection of Israel and the Jewish Nation. Both the soldier and the ben Torah represent different aspects of protecting Israel and uniting us as Jews. We all have a role in being the Nation of G-d and united we are one. The logo on the website inspired me, along with my teacher. I am inspired by the achdut of the Jews and that we should be united together to stand up to others and protect our religion and land.