Doron Cohen
Asscociated Hebrew Schools
6th grade

The major elements I chose to incorporate are the following:
Shape - I combined the Magen David and the Dove in a 3d form with the dove flying through the Magen David to create the impression the two are intertwined.
Color - The colours are largely the colors of the Israeli flag.
Emphasis, Composition and Unity - The focus of the poster is right in the centre which combines the Magen David, the dove, the map of Israel and the 76.
Movement - I have created wind coming off the dove wings to create the impression of soaring to high highness which the Jewish people have and continue to do. My poster is a response to the question of what values does Israel represent today. The map as the heart of the dove represent the value of unity, and homeliness. The Magen David represent then value of strength and power through which Israel has made some many contributions to the world, without the world even realizing. Lastly is the Dove which represents what is core to everything Israel believes in and that is peace. There are a few messages I am conveying isn this poster. Firstly the dove is flying through the Magen David reflecting how Israel's strength and power are driven by its desire for peace. At the heart of the dove is the map of Israel, showing how each and every Jew has a love for the Jewish Homeland.
The map is also placed in the centre of the poster to demonstrate how Israel is what unifies the Jews as a people.The dove spreading its wings is representative of the far reaching impact that Israel has had on the world and lastly the 76 in the wings is in celebration of Israel's 76 years of independence. The primary source that inspired me to create this poster, was the Israel poster of 1970 which include the dove. In my mind these two element represent all aspects of Israel. The Magen David is a symbol of strength and power whilst the dove represents peace and tranquility.