I wrote the phrase Together we will win - ביחד ננצח-, I painted the Bet Hamikdash, tanks, soldiers, people studying Torah, people praying in the Kotel, a rabbi in a synagogue, a person helping another person who has problems with their car and I also painted Israeli flags.
Israel today represents the value of unity as a people where there are people who study Torah and there are others who fight in war, but who must be together to defeat the enemy. The message is that in this time of war we must be together to win. In Israel we live as different people but the most important thing is that we respect each other. I think we must understand that we are a people, some study Torah and pray and others fight in war. Each one must understand the importance of others even if they do not do the same. I really liked the poster from the Colombo Hebrew School in Colombia that says I love Jerusalem, because of its letters and colors and I thought that since we are at war it would be nice to write the phrase together we will win and paint things around the letters to show that even if we do things different it is necessary to be united and not fight among ourselves.