I placed a very colorful parachutist to see how as he soars through the air he leaves a trail of hope for those who understand that victory is not only about winning battles but about recognizing the legality and right of a nation to exist. I was inspired to do this poster in tzanhanim unit 890 which was where my father served. Israel represents the right to have a homeland, Jewish identity and the beautiful space to express our culture and values, Israel is the lighthouse that illuminates the dark sky of our despair, opening the doors to keep us united as a nation and people Israel. When a parachute opens, expands and gives the opportunity to save those who lose their sense of gravity and seek to find a space to live in peace I was inspired by the Shana Tova Card, Kotel, 1967. I chose this one because the paratroopers arrived in Jerusalem in 1967 and the kotel was ours again.